Peptides and Insulin (32 Offers)
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Made by Axiolabs
Contains 191-aa Somatropin
One 100 iu Kit (10 x 10 iu vials)

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British Dragon Pharmaceuticals

Made by British Dragon
Contains 191-aa Somatropin
One 100 iu Kit (10 x 10 iu vials)

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Anhui Anke Biotechnology LTD

Made by Anhui Anke Biotechnology
Contains Human Growth Hormone
10 vials with 10 IU per vial (100 IU per kit)

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Lilly, Turkey

Substance: Human Growth Hormone, Somatropin
Manufacturer: Lilly Turkey
Packing: 1 injection cartrige of 36iu

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Jintopin 100 IU
GenSci China

Made by GenSci China
Contains Human Growth Hormone
One kit with 10 vials, 10 IU per vial

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Jintopin 200 IU
GenSci China

Made by GenSci China
Contains Human Growth Hormone One kit with 20 vials, 10 IU per vial

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Simplex Novonordisk, Turkey

Substance: Human Growth Hormone, Somatropin
Manufacturer: Novo Nordisk, Turkey
Packing: 1 injection cartridge of 30iu

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Ozempic 1mg
NovoNordisk, Turkey

Manufacturer: NovoNordisk, Turkey
Substance: Semaglutide
Package:1 pen (1 mg)

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